Dan Brickley’s Taxonomy of Everything

We’ve been working with the brilliant Dan Brickley all summer (he’s very modest, so now I’ve embarrassed him) trying to figure out how to use all available metadata to slot Web content into library categorization schemes automagically. For example, if we include in our collection—or, more to the point, if the DPLA includes in its collection—library-worthy material such as TED talks, is there a way in which we could automatically categorize those talks within the general mix of library items? We’d like to be able to do this at scale, even if roughly.

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How we assess credibility

Soo Young Rieh is an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. She recently finished a study (funded in part by MacArthur) on how people assess the credibility of sources when they are just searching for information and when they are actually posting information. Her study didn’t focus on a particular age or gender, and found [SPOILER] that we don’t take extra steps to assess the credibility of information when we are publishing it.

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ShelfLife, LibraryCloud, and DPLA

We’re really really really pleased that the Digital Public Library of America has chosen two of our projects to be considered (at an Oct. 21 open plenary meeting) for implementation as part of the DPLA’s beta sprint. We worked insanely hard all summer to turn our prototypes for Harvard into services suitable for a national public library. We’re proud of what we accomplished, and below is a link that will let you try out what we came up with.

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Podcast: Dan Brickley on libraries, linked data, and cataloguing the Web

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Dan Brickley this summer on a spectacularly difficult and interesting project, trying to figure out how to associate content from the Web with the sorts of categories used by libraries. In this podcast, Dan reflects on some of the general issues facing librarians trying to make Web-based distributed collections navigable, and how much hope we should have for a future of Linked Data. (I apologize for the sound quality. I recorded it from Skype, and without the expert help of the magnificent Dan Jones, the usual producer of our podcasts.)

Click to play: Dan Brickley on cataloguing the Web